Twitter Questions 3.0

Before we get into the Twitter questions, I want to say thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to all of you. I am absolutely blown-away by your generosity. Starting a Patreon is simultaneously the most stressful and embarrassing thing I’ve done since I started this account. If you didn’t read that post, you can find it here:

But seriously, I’m humbled by your generosity and your understanding. Thank you all (well, most of you) for not beating me up too much, or calling me too many mean names. On to the questions!

You said you thought McConnell/Murdoch meeting was a discussion to find an exit strategy on Trump? Do you still think that’s true?

Yes. Things in DC often move slowly, but here it’s important to pay attention to what the actual Fox “News” hosts — not the late-night opinion crew — are doing and saying. Shep Smith has been trying to redeem Fox from the beginning, but he’s now been joined by Andrew Napolitano, and Chris Wallace. The timing here is what’s important:

Napolitano is/was a friend of Trump. Now, he is publicly saying on Fox News that Trump committed at least one felony (true), that it appears his campaign colluded with Russia (also true), that Trump may already be indicted (seems likely), and that he doesn’t have the legal grounds to build his border wall via National Emergency (true again). This public break from Trump with Napolitano started happening consistently (as far as I can tell) in early-to-mid-December. Right after the election, and right after the McConnell/Murdoch meeting.

Naturally, Breitbart has gone all-in on the Napolitano trashing. Watch for more hosts besides Smith, Wallace, and Bret Baier to break with Trump soon.

Please give your best guesses on timing too. I get that Washington works on months-long delays, but most folks outside the beltway live life in a hurry. A timeline?

We’ve seen that guessing what Mueller will do, or where his investigation will go is an imprecise business at best, but I think it’s safe to make a few predictions here:

I said before that I don’t believe Trump’s presidency would survive 2019. That was before the redaction “oops” that I wrote about here:, before Cohen agreed to publicly testify, and before the bombshell NYT reporting of a second FBI counterintelligence investigation with the aim of determining whether or not Trump was a Russian asset. I stand by that prediction.

Secondly, I think it’s a safe bet that Mueller will be done by late-March, early-April. Then it goes to Congress and the courts. Trump is terrified, the GOP Congress is less-popular than hemorrhoids, and the American people are still pissed. Trump is also about to lose even more support if he fails to deliver on his wall.

How is it Trump can almost perfectly recite Russian propaganda (in an effort to rewrite history about Afghanistan), yet he can barely form a cognitive thought (much less speak coherently)?

I’ve often thought about this. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s gotta be immersion. Nothing else makes sense. He frequently quotes or acts on the last thing he’s heard, but he almost always misremembers the last thing he heard or badly butchers the quote. With Russian propaganda, he nails it. Every. Time.

6 thoughts on “Twitter Questions 3.0”

  1. As far as the Russian propaganda goes it seems as if he’s being fed it to repeat . And he knows he needs to get it right.

  2. I am a USARMY vet and I would genuinely like to Thank you for your service.

    I have a whole lot of faith in our justice department and I had a gut feeling there was a second investigation going on as reported. It’s great knowing we can count on more than them to see things through. Your eyes and insight are much appreciated!

  3. Hi Angry!

    Thank you so much for all you do. Could you please explain what you mean by immersion and how you think it could occur?

    Thank you kindly.

  4. Hi Angry! Thank you so much for all you do. Could you explain further what you mean by immersion? Seems like he cannot hang onto any information.

    Thanks kindly. 🙂

  5. I hope this medium helps you and your young family and relieves the burden and stress, no family should ever suffer because of finances due to an illness. We are not the greatest nation in the world when we only care about power and not our most vulnerable. My best to you and your family.

  6. I, for one, am grateful for the sanity and clarity you provide on the Wild West Shi*show in the WH. DC is a land unto itself and moves in it’s own mysterious way. Hard to explain the undercurrents to folks who haven’t been in the trenches, but you do it so well.

    As for lending a hand for you, Mrs. Angry and mini, I’m happy to help. I’m still trying to get back to normal after the hurricane, bad car accident and just life stuff, but we’ve all been in bad spots through no fault of our own.

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