Daily News Dump Test – Jan 30

Hey guys, just testing this out to make sure my category system works. If all goes according to plan, you’ll be able to find all of the posts in the Daily News Dump series via the navigation menu at the top of the page.

Dan Coats Under Assault

As you probably all know by now, telling the truth — particularly in public — is a big no-no in the Trump administration. Dan Coats violated this sacrosanct rule of the swamp in his Congressional testimony yesterday, and he is paying for it dearly in the pro-Trump media. John Bolton’s former Chief of Staff, Fred Fleitz, went on Lou Dobbs (brb… puking) to call for Coats’ head on a platter.

Fleitz said, “Intelligence is to inform presidential policy; it’s not supposed to undermine it, it’s not supposed to second-guess presidential policy”

This is the most backasswards rationale for anything I’ve ever heard. If you’re going to be a legitimate arbiter of intelligence, you by definition must be able to speak truth to power. The IC isn’t undermining Trump; they’re presenting him with facts he doesn’t like.

Fleitz gave away his real motive at the end of the Dobbs interview, saying, “This is why the President has to STOP these worldwide threat briefings.”

You read that right. A former Chief of Staff to the National Security Advisor wants POTUS to prevent his IC Principals from briefing Congress — and the American public — on the greatest threats to our nation because he doesn’t want the American public to know he lies to them every day. This is Orwellian on a level I never thought we’d see in America.

In the future I’ll do more than one topic while still trying to keep these posts brief. As always, comments are welcome! If you have something you’d like me to expand on, or help you understand a little better, please feel free to comment here, on Twitter, or on my Patreon page.

19 thoughts on “Daily News Dump Test – Jan 30”

  1. Fantastic!!! Thank you! Love your insight!

    Next challenge… to ask Alexa “read Angry’s Daily Dump” lol. I’m new to the whole Alexa thing. I’m just excited with my first smart plug I can ask her to turn off my bedside light. If there is a way to to this can someone enlighten me? Thanks again!!!

  2. What do you think about the republicans failure to staff the House Intelligence Committee? What recourse do Schiff and the Democrats have for this stall tactic?

  3. So what Fleitz is basically saying is that the President determines exactly what is or isn’t a threat and the level thereof and THEN it is up to IC to do their due diligence and find an angle that fits within the President’s narrative. Maybe I should apply for a job with IC, as it sounds like Fleitz believes the only qualification you need is the ability to spin a tall tale around tRump’s tall tale for everyone to believe.

    1. And the President decides what is or isn’t a threat based on his whims. No data whatever. The sooner he’s gone, the better.

  4. Donnie has lied all his life. Manipulating the press, even calling radio stations and calling himself Mr. Barron to spread his misinformation is what he does. Only now Putin has his hand up Donnie’s ass and manipulates his lips. Treason and treachery will get him in the end.

  5. If you do multiple daily posts, keeping them brief, 2-3 short paragraphs might work best. I’m just saying.

  6. Love you insight and your ability to tell the truth.
    Suggestions – sometimes we newbies don’t understand all the lingo, or aren’t familiar with who is who or what. So my thoughts (and I now I can find info on Google or whatever), but it took me about 30 seconds to figure out “IC.” And for we oldies who forget things, can you give title or position of all people mentions, ie, Dan Coats. If it’s not too much trouble.
    Thank you for all the work you do!

  7. Thank you, though I think I’m thanking you for tonight’s episode of “what keeps me awake.” FF comments are chilling.

  8. First rate analysis. I didn’t know Fleitz went on Lou Dobbs, as I don’t watch any Faux, so I appreciate you informing us of what we need to know they are saying on there.

  9. I would be curious to know if you think that any of the President’s actions are tantamount to treason? I have my own thoughts, as I am sure many do, but you seem to be much more knowledgeable in this area.

  10. I just keep waiting for the day that this nightmare will be over and we can start working our way back to being the “good ol’ USA” again. This person “in charge” of this country doesn’t have a clue what’s going on around him or in the country. He’s nothing short of an idiot – and I’m being nice by giving him that much credit.

  11. Yep, your site seems to be working fine. I tried out the ‘share’ options for both Twitter and FB, and they both posted okay. On FB, the link posted as tex only, no graphic or photo. Wonder if you could figure out a way to make your black/white photo of the White House post with the FB share. Might increase FB generated traffic to your site. Not a criticism, just letting you know what your link looks like with a FB share. I read your posts every day, Angry. You are a national treasure in my book. Thanks!

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